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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

STAY AWAY from me!

…I mean, be A MAN!

He is pissing me off, almost everyday.

To admire someone is just normal. Of course, human as we are, we need to feel those feelings shared by two opposite sex.

And when a person admires you for your character, beauty or whatever it is, its normal. Showing your admiration for that person is quite acceptable, and those people deserve to be treated well for their being real (if its real). Sharing your thoughts with other person is really irrelevant to be questioned when we need someone whom we could share a talk. We need someone to talk to and share our troubles.

But if the who likes you is acting like a shadow of you and advertising such stuff telling it to the public – sort of sending gm is another way of showing foolishness.

I suggest that you better keep those thoughts to yourself. I mean, be A MAN.

It’s so stupid that you are advertising such stupidity to your friends while I can’t take that craziness anymore.

I have my man and no one can change that thought in me either mentally or emotionally.

I can assure that I won’t mind that person at all.

But, what I am afraid of is that one day; I could utter words which aren’t supposed to come out from my mouth. I am afraid that time will come that I could no longer control my temper cause I’m full. I can’t assure that I’ll be nice to you and treat you as a mankind. I don’t know if I could still be gentle in my words if that day comes.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


A minute and 26 seconds of talking with him. My doubt and anger started to disappear the moment He answered my call at 10:35pm.

I was thinking when you sent him back to me, it’s gonna be an another start for the two of us. I can’t say that it’s not what I expect, but I could feel that something bad is going on. ( Basin feeler ra kaau ko to jump into conclusion:D)

For weeks of feeling this bitterness I asked myself, does everything is still the same?

I’m not numb! Maybe this is just a “feeling”, and I was hoping that on the next days it would change. But everyday, it’s getting worst! Why can’t he tell me what’s wrong?! Whenever we had our conversation, he seems to be like in hurry.

I trust him, YES.

I love him still.

That’s why I just can’t walk away with him

-and if this a mess? I love to be in this mess ‘til it hurts no more:(

Friday, August 27, 2010

There Is More To This I know

…baby, i love you so much just to walk away…

I miss you. This love, there will be more to it.

I really don’t know why I choose him instead of those guys. All I know is that he is different. A very unique individual - a very ideal man.

Honestly. it’s not the wealth that matters for me. What matters most, is the love and care that my man can give me. I want my man to be a very respectful person just like what He is. He’s a man who valued so much his family. From the respect that he always show to me and so with him to his family, I salute him for that. That love, that I would always let him feel is much more than the love he feels for me.

I’ve lost him once, and it’s already enough. Destiny parted our ways and after years, He gave me back the person who owns my heart. I won’t allow another story of separation would occur for the two of us, unless he said so. I love him so much just to walk away. He knows what I’ve been through to reach the peak. I won’t just give him up that way - not without a fight.

That’s how much i love him, beyond words, beyond action, against all odds and much more, beyond reasons.

Thursday, August 19, 2010



As what I am always saying, I’m a very public person. My personal life is widely open with the public (knowing me). I am not hiding anything and so I really don’t care of those people who are watching over me. I don’t have to PLEASE everyone for them to like me, and I am not forcing you to. I think, as long as I’m not stepping into anyone’s life, I have nothing to worry about.

Anyway, Thanks for reminding me but as for me, I know what I’m doing. I can assure you that I am doing things in accordance of the “CODE OF ETHICS”. I know myself well.

If there’s one thing that I can be proud of, I do have my stand. I’m not a judgmental person but the way I expressed my point of view is according to what I believe. No one influenced me in expressing my opinion for I have my own concrete thinking.

For me, my friends are worth more than that precious diamond that can be bought around the world. And if ever, I can say something towards them, it’s not because I’m pushing them away from me, or making believe that I am good. It’s for them to be aware of what they are now and I am protecting them to those people might hurt them soon.

I am not also, How do you call that? “BACKBITING”, I beg to disagree. NO, I’m not. There will never be a story if I could see things according to which it is supposed to be.

In spite of what I’ve said to a certain person, it’s just a reminder for them. I know you know me; I won’t react on things if everything is going on so well.

I don’t have to choose for all of you are important to me. We’ve been for years and I’ve sailed already almost half of my journey (college life) with you.

Yes, each individual is unique. And I know I am very much different from you for I do have this very “strong personality”, as what people always implanted into their mind when they’ve first encountered me.

NO. I’m not saying that I am a good person. NEVER.

What I ‘m trying to convey in my opinions that there I things I can’t stand doing it here. I’m not getting in your personal life.

I always believe that all things have its right place and time. That’s what I am always saying and doing, apart from telling it to everyone.


NOTE: There will never be any conversation about things if everything is going on well (as what I am always saying). And, as far as I am concern, I am person who like to talk with a certain person about things. I am a person who knows how to approach people whenever I have something to tell, so that people could no longer see me backstabbing.

Again, I am not pulling others or whoever down. Those OPINIONS that I am telling were just piece of advice and reminders. It’s up you if you’ll listen or not.


What I am doing is I am just expressing what I wanted to say for I am not a hypocrite kind of person. It’s base from what I see, I believe and what I don’t like in what I see.

As you see, I am a very open=minded person. I do things in away that I am also expecting that you’ll do the same thing to me.. Either how it hurts or being stated, as what I am always telling: “IT”S A MATTER OF ACCEPTANCE”.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A thought

Maybe there's something when you allow yourself to fall for someone and you've got no assurance that you'll be having it soon. Funny that it started out from a dislike until you see yourself that you are now knowing each other.


He sent me a lyric of this song way back two years ago.

I'd love to make you mine
'Cause it's the only way to hold you
In my wild imagination
Still don't know how
To grab a chance and spend some time
In just a simple conversation

Just give it a try
Though I'm like chasing rainbows in the sky
I wanna hold you in my dreams
And make believe that it's true
Although I know, I know that it is impossible to do
Cause your a star
People love you as you are
You're a million miles away from me

Wished that you were here
Cause it's illusions every time you're close to me
And sing my love song
And it's the only way
I could tell, the whole world(I love you)
Although your a million miles away

Just give it a try
Though I'm like chasing rainbow in the sky
I wanna hold you in my dreams
And make believe that it's true
Although I know, I know that it's impossible to do
Cause your a star
Your a star
Your a star

Just give it a try
Though I'm like chasing rainbow in the sky
I wanna hold you in my dreams
And make believe that it's true
Although I know, I know that it's impossible to do
Cause your a star
Your a star
Your a star
Million miles away from me

I thought it was just a poem that he made. As I was updating my friendster account just this day, June 30,2010. I found out the word refrain which means to say its a song, Because of curiosity that I didn't even bother to think at that time upon reading his comment I search it impromptu. And yes, it was really a song. A very beautiful song sang by Nikki Gil.

Yes, I can't imagine how I didn't care about that thing before. I would've thank him for dedicating such song for me. But it's not that late I know.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I wonder who she was when she spoke in my behalf. I don't know why she seemed to be a shadow of what I'm doing. She's not HIS speaker to burst out what's the unspoken. She's NOT even HIS girl though she used to be, before.

I wonder how she said all those stuffs when she don't have any idea on how things started. I just can't confront her because I find it too UNREASONABLE. So, I keep all these thoughts in me.